Fringed by the two great rivers of Central Asia, the Oxus and the Jaxartes, Tajikistan can boast not only of breathtaking mountain scenery, but also of three thousand years of history. Originally the home of the Sogdians, the famous trading peoples of the Silk Road, in more recent times the country was at the heart of the 19th-century `Great Game`. This book describes Tajikistan`s unparalleled opportunities for trekkers, expert mountaineering advice and specialist essays on wildlife, botany, geology and archeology. The comprehensive coverage of culture, music and ethnic traditions make a tantalizing read. Kartenausschnitt
Tadschikistan und die Gipfel des Pamirs Reiseführer (englisch) Odyssey Publications TAJIKISTAN AND THE HIGH PAMIRS A Companion and Guide Odyssey Publications
EAN / ISBN: 9789622178182
Preis: EUR 26.90